If you feel ambivalent about being in therapy, this could be a portal into more transformative work with your therapist or it could be a sign that you’ve outgrown them.
Read MoreIf you feel ambivalent about being in therapy, this could be a portal into more transformative work with your therapist or it could be a sign that you’ve outgrown them.
Read MoreHow befriending your emotions impacts your day-to-day experiences and your ability to work with your emotions rather than feeling controlled by them.
Read MoreHere are strategies to help you cope with a panic attack.. The expectation is to soften how frightening the symptoms are by making the situation feel a bit more controlled.
Read MoreExperiencing anger is precisely what you want to do if you want to: increase your confidence, feel calmer, buoy your mood, bolster your ability to practice healthy boundaries, improve your relationships – and demand justice.
Read MoreMany people struggle with procrastination, but are not in touch with why they are avoiding these tasks in the first place.
Read MoreDo you struggle to manage perfectionism and your ‘inner critic’ in the creative process? Learn how to identify and manage anxiety related to self-expression and art.
Read MoreThere are unique challenges when it comes to living in New York City while managing symptoms of PTSD — but therapy can help.
Read MoreClimate change anxiety can feel overwhelming to deal with. Yet DST therapist Melanie Berkowitz says that much of climate anxiety is actually healthy.
Read MoreWorkers don’t always have the kinds of resources to leave a toxic and unhealthy work environment. This kind of violation is called ‘Institutional Betrayal,’ a term coined by psychologist and researcher, Dr. Jennifer Freyd.
Read MoreSometimes one mental health diagnosis co-exists with another one. In the world of eating disorders, depression is the most commonly associated mental health diagnosis.
Read MoreThose of us with anxious attachment style need to take extra care to watch out for ways we may be self-sabotaging our romantic relationships.
Read MoreBy admitting when we are bored, we can begin to move into richer emotional territory. Explore the ideas and emotions that our agitation and boredom are covering up.
Read MoreFading into the background while others engage in animated debates? Often feeling like too many things in your relationship are left unsaid? You may be conflict avoidant.
Read MoreAttachment figures - caregivers or romantic partners - provide a sense of safety. But what happens when things don’t feel secure with our partners?
Read MoreWomen are socialized to stifle and suppress their anger, which is why connecting with it and giving it a voice can be such an empowering experience.
Read MoreYour early experiences of love and care influence how you anticipate getting your needs met in your relationships
Read MoreDisordered eating encompasses a wide range of unhealthy attitudes and behaviors toward food. The term in and of itself can be a confusing one – what really constitutes an “issue” with food?
Read MoreAll relationships have boundaries. Whether we realize it or not, our actions, words and behaviors implicitly tell people what we do and do not want or will allow.
Read MoreDo you ever feel overwhelmed by your emotions? At Downtown Somatic Therapy, we believe in the healing power of emotion, but emotions can feel dangerous for some people.
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