There are tons of deep breathing practices for relaxation, but did you know you can use it to heal and transform as well? Breathwork wonderfully complements the relational tools of psychotherapy.
Read MoreSomatic therapy works with your “felt experience” to help you uncover what your inner critic so you can cultivate true self-acceptance and tend to your most vulnerable needs and desires.
Read MoreMany New Yorkers experience anxiety on a daily basis but are uncertain how to decrease the negative effects that this stress has on their body - Somatic therapy can help.
Read MoreOur clinicians find meaning and purpose in incorporating the body into the therapeutic experience. This approach is healing and experiential — it distinguishes itself from other forms of therapy.
Read MoreTherapy is one outlet that can help ground you in a frenetic place like New York City. This article outlines 3 ways that therapy can help you cope with New York City’s high speed environment.
Read MoreAt Downtown Somatic Therapy, we believe that somatic therapy is a powerful way to address attachment wounds and to experience deep healing and a renewed sense of joy in life.
Read MoreSomatic Experiencing (SE), Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and Gestalt.
Read MoreMany couples avoid talking about infidelity, or are only able to access anger, and as a result never get around to processing the grief, sadness and loss of trust that the infidelity caused.
Read MoreBy acknowledging, and sitting with, how depression makes us feel in our bodies, we can begin to overcome the feelings of “overwhelm” that depression can engender.
Read MoreDo you struggle with anxiety and wonder how somatic therapy can help? Anxiety actually starts out as a physiological response to feelings you have learned are not ok to feel.
Read MorePairing psychotherapy and ketamine in a process called ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) can facilitate incredible long-term healing.
Read MoreIn this post, we’ll explore how chronically repressing our anger impacts our body and offer a guide to sitting with anger.
Read MoreMany of us are able to feel our feelings, we just don’t take the time to feel them. It’s only when we slow down enough that we are able to notice them.
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