Tina Tacorian, LMSW

Specialties: depression & anxiety, trauma & ptsd, attachment & relationship issues.

Rates: $230 · individual session | $280 · couples session


“I became a therapist to help people work through trauma, chronic stress, and painful life transitions so that they can recover and live a more fulfilling life. My work is rooted in the belief that when we feel safe enough to process how we’ve been hurt, we open up to parts of ourselves that are gifted, well, and whole.”


Q & A

How do you describe your counseling style?

From the first session, I encourage the individuals and couples I work with to speak from their emotional experience so we can start to understand what’s at the root of their issues. I focus on helping them stay grounded in their bodies and connected to me or their partner throughout this process, so we can safely explore past and present challenges. I take a very open and compassionate stance with patients’ experiences, yet can also be direct with my observations if they’re in service of the goals we’ve set together.

Have you been in therapy yourself?

I have been in therapy and consider it foundational to my spiritual, intellectual, and emotional growth. Through the therapeutic process, I became aware of the triggers which were allowing my past to interfere with the present. With patience and persistence, my therapist and I were able to resolve this issue, helping me heal and improving my life and relationships significantly. This has served as a model for the healing I hope to engender in my patients.

What kind of patients do you work best with?

A therapist-patient relationship is both unique and can serve as an illustration of patients’ approaches to themselves and others. As such, I work best with those who can be present and curious about what emerges from our sessions and willing to work with these insights. When we are able to communicate with honesty in a safe place, we are often surprised by the way in which we can process and grow from the feelings that arise.


Listen to Tina’s self-care playlist


Get in touch with Tina to schedule a session.
