Relieving Insomnia: How Somatic Therapy Can Help Relieve Anxiety and Restore Sleep

Make peace with anxiety and get restful sleep. 


3 min read


In our day-to-day lives, the weight of stress often manifests in our bodies, leading to overwhelming anxiety and disrupting our sleep – something that those living in New York City can relate to. Somatic therapy offers a unique, holistic approach that addresses these issues by recognizing the deep connection between the body and mind. 

By delving into the physical sensations and bodily experiences associated with anxiety, somatic therapy can offer a pathway to calmness and relief from insomnia.

Anxiety can leave individuals feeling trapped in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Somatic therapy acknowledges that these feelings are not confined to the mind alone—they are felt in the body. As David Charme, a therapist at Downtown Somatic Therapy notes, “so often daily life can put our nervous systems into a state of rev. We can more easily recognize this when the rev gets high, like when we feel really anxious, but even a low hum of anxiety can make it hard to fall asleep. Part of the beginning work in somatic therapy is helping clients to slow down and begin to notice their body sensations and in turn move into a more restful state.”

“So often daily life can put our nervous systems into a state of rev. We can more easily recognize this when the rev gets high, like when we feel really anxious, but even a low hum of anxiety can make it hard to fall asleep.”

One of the core principles of somatic therapy is the belief that the body holds its own healing wisdom. As Downtown Somatic Therapy therapist David Charme observes, “when we get caught up in a cycle of anxiety and insomnia, it can often feel like our body is rebelling against us. Part of what makes somatic therapy so helpful is that it empowers us to listen to our bodies, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves.” 

David continues, “as clients become more attuned to bodily sensations, they begin to gain insights into the underlying causes of their anxiety and insomnia. This heightened awareness facilitates the development of coping mechanisms and enhances their ability to manage stress and sleep in the long term.”

What sets somatic therapy apart from traditional talk therapy approaches is that it doesn’t just address the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia. Instead, it fosters a real shift in how individuals relate to themselves and the world around them. By engaging in somatic practices, clients can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness and resilience. They learn to notice the subtle cues their bodies provide, enabling them to intervene before anxiety escalates or sleeplessness takes hold. 

This newfound awareness extends beyond therapy sessions, empowering individuals to incorporate these practices into their daily lives. As they embrace a more embodied way of being, they equip themselves with invaluable tools to navigate the complexities of life in a more centered and balanced manner.

“Part of what makes somatic therapy so helpful is that it empowers us to listen to our bodies, fostering a deeper connection with ourselves.”

Finally, somatic therapy gets at core issues that might be holding us back from a good night’s sleep. Somatic therapies like Sensorimotor Psychotherapy are rooted in the understanding that the body is a repository of past experiences and unprocessed emotions. As David Charme notes, “the past has a way of living in the present, and the body is often where the residue of the past is imprinted and can cause discomfort, dysregulation, and sleep disturbance.” 

In Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, therapists focus on bodily sensations and movements to access and integrate implicit memories—those stored within the body rather than consciously remembered. David shares that, “by navigating the root causes of anxiety and tension stored in the body, somatic therapy approaches offer individuals the opportunity to break the cycle of sleeplessness, fostering an environment more conducive to peaceful and rejuvenating sleep.”

“By navigating the root causes of anxiety and tension stored in the body, somatic therapy approaches offer individuals the opportunity to break the cycle of sleeplessness, fostering an environment more conducive to peaceful and rejuvenating sleep.”

Somatic therapy can be a powerful approach in alleviating the intertwined burdens of anxiety and insomnia. By embracing the body-mind connection and exploring the physical manifestations of anxiety, individuals, guided by skilled somatic therapists like those at Downtown Somatic Therapy, can embark on a transformative journey toward healing and restoration, improved sleep, and a renewed sense of well-being.

If you’re looking to find relief from your anxiety and restore your sleep, reach out to a therapist at Downtown Somatic Therapy to get started.

For further reading, check out: Three Kinds of Meditation to Treat Anxiety